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National defense war industry products    
National defense war industry products
add time: 2017-8-7 13:44:27 source: The author: hits:1070
Army reforms decisive results, its essence is the industrial age military system into an era of information system of military system transformation, upgrade weapons and equipment is an important component of the strengthening national defense war industry product testing, to ensure the quality of weapons and equipment is a very important link.
The standard detection has advanced testing equipment, high-quality technical team, can provide a variety of environmental reliability testing for national defense products.
Test items:
Salt spray test
Gas corrosion
The ozone test
High and low temperature high/low temperature cycle impact/temperature/rapid temperature change
Get wet in the rain dust/waterproof/test
Vibration/three integrated
Mechanical shock
The performance test under the particular environment
Functional durable/fatigue life

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